Two more silver dimes today, the rosie barely legal. The rosie is an anomaly, because it doesn’t have the blackness that every other silver here has, and outside of a stray penny, every coin dig here has been in a tight range of 1901-1944.
Its a weird site. Besides the blackness, all 10 silvers and the wheaties have been shallow, from 1 to 4 inches, most of them at about 2. I have yet to dig a ferrous target, which is weird, as I’m usually pretty aggressive on those 50/50 could be ferrous/could be deep silver.
Just no deep coins here. Plenty of deep canslaws and other high tones, but no coppers (and there should be by now), and no low tones. It is almost as if a layer of fill from a 40s site has been rolled over a much newer patch of dirt, but the area seems too big for that to have happened. Of course, plowing of fields keeps coins from sinking to some extent, but I’ve been on other plowed fields which have had plenty of deep coppers and ferrous targets.
And then there is the black. Why are all the silvers black? I get a few like that, but not pretty much all of them.
Oh well, too many questions. Be happy, as long as the silvers are coming out. Things felt like they were thinning out today, tho, but we’ll see. And another thing, this site is so lopsided that an efficiency ratio I watch, silvers to total coins dug, has exceeded 10% for the year. That has never happened. My goal is to keep that above 5%, and I usually do, and its important to me, but 10% is just crazy.
In any case, don’t worry, be happy.