First Seated Half Dime

Finally got another one off my bucket list, the elusive (at least for me) seated half dime.

This is from a field I have been hunting off and on for the past 3 years; it is huge, and has given up 10 coppers and a handful of IHs, but been stingy on the silver, haven given up only a rosie.

It was only an inch or two deep, in very rocky soil above a large rock which prevented it from sinking. Its a bit scratched up, but we’ll take it. Its a decent looking coin. I don’t think the scratches are my fault, as they show tarnish; I imagine its from years of large farm machines rolling over the rocky soil.

I am so happy to find one of these.  For some reason, by dream coin when I started to detect was the seated half dime.  Even tho I’ve found a draped bust half dime, and seated dimes, quarters, and a half, this one has always eluded me until now.  Now just need the 20 center and the dollar to complete the seated series.  Good luck with that
