It was 102 degrees, and the dirt was cement hard. I did not have a pinpointer. Machine said it was about 8 inches deep, and I dug and dug and dug for 20 minutes in that heat. No dice.
I finally figured out that the coin must be on its side, and sure enough, got a similar reading on the far side off one side of the top of the hole. Cut another plug there, and saw the silver poking out. I said, literally and out loud, “this better be an f’ing seated for all this work”, and I couldn’t believe it when it was. It was only 2 inches deep. And its in nice shape as well.
Found: 06-Jul-2010; Location: park/school; Machine: E-Trac
I recently came a cross a 1954sittinsilver dimeconditionjust wondering the price range of this dime