Yesterday didn’t go well. Back to the site of recent entries, and after about an hour an a half, the battery died. That’s less than 5 hours on a full charge. Its supposed to last 18 hours. What’s up with that? Does that mean I have to buy another one of those overpriced Minelab battery packs? All I found was a really toasted, non-pic worthy IH, and a wheatie.
Today went a little better, continuing to work the only zone of this park that has given up anything (and its a small section of that zone, for that matter), and I got a deep merc right off the bat. Nothing beats silver early in the hunt.
About 15 minutes later was a 12-38, 3 inches deep, a little on the big side, which is generally one of three things: a bottlecap, a bottlecap, or a bottlecap. This time, tho, it was a small cache.
A cache? A spill? Who knows? But it looks like it was in this small iron box, like a change box or something maybe? I dunno, so I’m calling it a cache.
Anyway, all that stuff came out of the hole at 3-4 inches. The remaining iron from the box, 2 mercs from the 40s, 4 wheaties from the 30s-40s, and a pair of nickels from the 40s, one of them being a war nickel, so that’s a bonus silver. Whohoo. 8 coins in all, they just kept on coming, baby. It was pretty cool.
The E-Trac pretty much nailed it. I wonder what that mishmash would have sounded like to other machines?
Well, that’s 7 silvers from this site so far, but 3 from the cache were sort of circumstantial, so it still feels like a 4 silver site. Its pretty big, but only one small section of one zone has given up anything.
Well, first 4 silver day in forever, and I had them all in the first half hour. Here they are sort of shinied up, as best as possible anyway —